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Sutter Health
What foods should I avoid in pregnancy?
Here are some general guidelines on food intake during pregnancy:Fish/Seafood:Eat no more than 12 oz of cooked fish a weekLimit tuna to once per weekAvoid shark, tile fish, or king mackerelAlcohol:Not recommend... continue reading about What foods should I avoid in pregnancy?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I'm 38 and have been in a relationship for three years. I've been on the pill for 20 years and don't want more kids, but I don't like the melasma side effect of birth control pills. I've considered an IUD but know someone whose device migrated. Options?
If your major goal, in addition to reliable contraception, is to reduce the menstrual flow and frequency of periods, then a Mirena IUD, which secretes progesterone-like hormone locally in the uterine cavity wit... continue reading about I'm 38 and have been in a relationship for three years. I've been on the pill for 20 years and don't want more kids, but I don't like the melasma side effect of birth control pills. I've considered an IUD but know someone whose device migrated. Options?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
With all the advances in fertility treatments, how old is too old for a woman to try to get pregnant?
There is not a universally accepted single age at which pregnancy is not recommended. Advanced maternal age is traditionally defined as pregnancy at or over the age of 35. Not only does it become harder for wom... continue reading about With all the advances in fertility treatments, how old is too old for a woman to try to get pregnant?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
Do women experience a surge in fertility at any point in perimenopause or just before menopause?
The average age of menopause in the United States is 51 years of age. Unfortunately, the fertility potential in women declines well in advance of this time. But to what extent and how quickly? There are few, if... continue reading about Do women experience a surge in fertility at any point in perimenopause or just before menopause?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
While pregnant, should I "eat for two?"
No. It is a myth that a pregnant woman must "eat for two." Although pregnancy increases the body's need for calories and nutrition, the amounts of calories or specific nutrients you need are NOT doubled. About ... continue reading about While pregnant, should I "eat for two?"
Jill D. Foley, M.D., FACOG
Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation
I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis. How does this affect me if my husband and I want to have a baby? How much chance do I have of getting pregnant?
Adenomyosis refers to a condition where endometrial glands and connective tissue are present within the muscle layer of the uterus. This results in hyperplasia, or overgrowth, of the uterine muscle layer and a ... continue reading about I was recently diagnosed with adenomyosis. How does this affect me if my husband and I want to have a baby? How much chance do I have of getting pregnant?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
What medications are safe to take during pregnancy?
One of the most common questions asked of an obstetrician is, “ Is it safe to take medication during pregnancy?” The answer is yes, for most over-the-counter drugs, even though they may contain the ... continue reading about What medications are safe to take during pregnancy?
Jill D. Foley, M.D., FACOG
Sutter East Bay Medical Foundation
I am a new mom, college student and still nursing my daughter. I use a pump but my production keeps going down. I drink herbal teas. What can I do to keep my production from dropping? My daughter is five months old and I hope to nurse for one year.
First, congratulations on your efforts to continue school and continue trying to feed your baby breast milk! It sounds like you are very busy. As new moms return to work and school, it can be hard to keep up wi... continue reading about I am a new mom, college student and still nursing my daughter. I use a pump but my production keeps going down. I drink herbal teas. What can I do to keep my production from dropping? My daughter is five months old and I hope to nurse for one year.
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for a while. Are there any non-medical approaches, such as relaxation or meditation techniques, that could improve my chances of becoming pregnant?
That question is best answered at an individual level. Infertility can be the result of a number of impairments of varying nature and severity. For this reason, we recommend a basic evaluation and individualize... continue reading about My partner and I have been trying to get pregnant for a while. Are there any non-medical approaches, such as relaxation or meditation techniques, that could improve my chances of becoming pregnant?
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