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Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
It’s easy to indulge on special occasions. Problem is, the pounds tend to stick around. How to avoid holiday gains.
How to Combat Your Food Cravings
You don’t have to give in to that sugar craving! Break the cycle with our easy tips.
Losing Weight the Healthy Way
Skip the fad diets. Slow and steady weight loss and long-term changes in habits will lead to real results.
Ask an Expert
Karen Handy, M.P.H.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
How do I compute my basic healthy calorie intake? What are some basic facts about how many calories a person needs to burn to lose weight?
I have a formula that you can use to calculate the calories you will need for your ideal body weight. Get ready for some math! Let's start by looking at how many calories you would need per day just to maintain... continue reading about How do I compute my basic healthy calorie intake? What are some basic facts about how many calories a person needs to burn to lose weight?
Karen Handy, M.P.H.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
My body seems to have found its favorite weight and its hard to budge it from there. Do people have a normal weight for their body, despite media pressure to be thinner or heavier?
Our society certainly sends a mixed message when it comes to our weight: the media bombards us with images that equate being beautiful and glamorous with being thin - and yet we are bombarded even more with ads... continue reading about My body seems to have found its favorite weight and its hard to budge it from there. Do people have a normal weight for their body, despite media pressure to be thinner or heavier?
Karen Handy, M.P.H.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
I exercise hard in the early evening and eat dinner after that. Each night at around 9:30, I'm ravenous. What is a good snack that will actually satiate the hunger without calorically unraveling the hard work of my work out?
Snacks with high fiber and water content, that also include some protein and just a bit of heart-healthy fat, will help you feel the most full and satisfied. That same fiber and water content will also keep you... continue reading about I exercise hard in the early evening and eat dinner after that. Each night at around 9:30, I'm ravenous. What is a good snack that will actually satiate the hunger without calorically unraveling the hard work of my work out?
Astrin Damayanti, R.D.
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
Is type 2 diabetes always associated with being overweight, or do you see it in people at healthy weights as well?
Being overweight is a major risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes and many people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. But type 2 diabetes can develop in people who are thin because genetics also ... continue reading about Is type 2 diabetes always associated with being overweight, or do you see it in people at healthy weights as well?
Sue Hazeghazam, R.D.
Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento
Experts say not to skip meals because it slows metabolism down. We are also advised to exercise to burn fat. Now they say you can't just do aerobics, you need resistance training. I'm training with weights and all I'm doing is getting bigger.
You should try to do both types of exercise. Both have benefits. Aerobic exercise is helpful to improve circulation and to burn calories and, if done long enough, to also help burn fat stores. When you do resis... continue reading about Experts say not to skip meals because it slows metabolism down. We are also advised to exercise to burn fat. Now they say you can't just do aerobics, you need resistance training. I'm training with weights and all I'm doing is getting bigger.
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