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Percutaneous or Surgical Mitral Valve REpair in PAtients with PrImaRy Mitral Regurgitation who are Candidates for Surgery (Protocol ABT-CIP-10304) (REPAIR MR)
The objective of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to compare the clinical outcome of MitraClip™ device versus surgical repair in patients with severe primary MR who are at moderate surgical risk and whose mitral valve has been determined to be suitable for correction by MV repair surgery by the cardiac surgeon on the local site heart team.
Location: SIMR (Sacramento/Valley Area)
Please contact: about RepairMR
Principal Investigator
David K. Roberts, III, M.D., FACC
Robert Kincade, M.D., FACS, Michael T. Ingram, Sr., M.D., Victor Rodriguez, MD, Aaron Healy, MD, Zijian Xu, M.D., Ph.D., FACC, Azmath Mohammed, M.D., Pei-Hsiu Huang, M.D.