Living with arthritis, joint problems or a traumatic sports injury can cause pain and limit your mobility. At Mills-Peninsula Medical Center, our orthopedic surgeons can help you return to the active life you love. We understand that every patient is unique. By delivering personalized care that matches your individual needs, we help you recover quickly.
Our board-certified surgeons integrate new technology such as computer-aided navigation with effective, time-tested surgical techniques. Our joint replacement team includes nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists to help you before, during and after your surgical procedure. A full-time patient navigator answers your questions and guides you through every step of your care. We offer spacious rooms set aside solely for joint care patients, with flat-screen TVs and a guest bed for a family member, friend or caregiver. Most of our patients leave the hospital in two days.
In addition to our long tradition of providing excellent care, we’re at the forefront of efforts to advance the field. We have a dedicated nurse tracking our outcomes for the California Joint Replacement Registry, an independent organization that collects and reports patient and clinical data about the outcomes of joint replacement procedures. The registry provides ongoing assessment of the quality of implants, treatment protocols and surgical approaches, allowing our doctors to improve joint care for generations to come.
For more information on considering or preparing for a joint replacement surgery, or to find out more about the Joint Center at Mills-Peninsula, please call the patient navigator at (650) 696-5522.