Featured Articles
Catch Breast Cancer Early
Keep track of your breast health with videos on how to do self-checks and what to expect during a mammogram.
Breast Health 101
Are you at high risk for breast cancer? Learn about common risk factors and when to start mammogram screening.
Breast Health Awareness
Breasts can change a lot over time. Which changes are normal and which ones should you report to your doctor?
Finding breast cancer early means everything
Knowledge is power. Learn about common breast changes, reducing your risk factors, and what you need to do to prepare for your breast cancer screening.
Ask an Expert
Toni J. Brayer, M.D.
Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation
Is it safe for me to use Pro-G-Yam progesterone cream for hot flashes? I have a family history of breast cancer. Is progesterone the same as estrogen?
There are hundreds of different brands and formulations of progesterone cream. It is considered a "nutraceutical" and is not controlled or regulated by the FDA. You can purchase progesterone creams through the ... continue reading about Is it safe for me to use Pro-G-Yam progesterone cream for hot flashes? I have a family history of breast cancer. Is progesterone the same as estrogen?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
Does a history of mastitis increase my risk for breast cancer?
The factors that are known to increase a woman's risk for breast cancer are: Older age, a BRCA genetic mutation, mother or sister with breast cancer, beginning menstrual periods before age 12, periods stopping ... continue reading about Does a history of mastitis increase my risk for breast cancer?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
What does a breast cancer lump feel like? I heard the lumps that move when touched aren't as much of a concern.
Most breast lumps are benign cysts, particularly in younger women. Size and tenderness may vary with the menstrual cycle. When lumps are tender, they are more likely benign, but about 10% of breast cancers do c... continue reading about What does a breast cancer lump feel like? I heard the lumps that move when touched aren't as much of a concern.
Allison Bunch, FNP-BC
California Pacific Medical Center
I'm getting ready to have my 53rd birthday, and for the last two weeks my breasts (especially my nipples) has been very sore and tender. There has never been any breast cancer diagnosed in my family. Should I be concerned?
Any persistent breast pain should be evaluated by your healthcare provider. Breast cancer, which of course is our biggest concern, usually is not painful, but it can be, so your symptoms need to be evaluated. M... continue reading about I'm getting ready to have my 53rd birthday, and for the last two weeks my breasts (especially my nipples) has been very sore and tender. There has never been any breast cancer diagnosed in my family. Should I be concerned?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I had breast cancer 10 years ago. I had chemo and radiation. I've had mammograms every year since. What does it mean when additional pictures are needed because of denseness? What is the cause, and what is the chance it's a reoccurrance of cancer?
Dense breasts are associated with an increased risk of developing breast cancer, and also make it more difficult for a radiologist to see a small cancer in the midst of that dense normal breast tissue. After lu... continue reading about I had breast cancer 10 years ago. I had chemo and radiation. I've had mammograms every year since. What does it mean when additional pictures are needed because of denseness? What is the cause, and what is the chance it's a reoccurrance of cancer?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
Is tenderness in the breast a concern for cancer? I have tenderness in just one fingertip size area to the left of the areola of the right breast.
Pain and/or tenderness are two of the most common breast symptoms experienced by women. The discomfort can be severe enough to interfere with usual daily activities. The causes of mastalgia (or breast pain) are... continue reading about Is tenderness in the breast a concern for cancer? I have tenderness in just one fingertip size area to the left of the areola of the right breast.
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
Are mammograms effective for men?
Mammograms are effective for men. If a man feels a lump in his breast, or notices any change in the way his breast looks or feels, for instance with nipple discharge or skin changes, a mammogram should be order... continue reading about Are mammograms effective for men?
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