Your back is a complex structure of highly sensitive nerves, small joints and discs, as well as tendons, muscles and tissue. A problem with any one of these components can cause back pain. In fact, most people have back pain at some point in their lives. Fortunately most back problems typically improve without surgical intervention.
Because of the complexity of the human back, treatment may sometimes require specially trained experts in sports medicine, neuroscience or orthopedics. In the Sutter Health network, experts offer comprehensive care for a wide range of back and spine problems, from degenerative discs and scoliosis to osteoporosis and spinal stenosis.
We provide advanced diagnostic and evaluation services in order to create the most effective treatment plan for you. Options for care can include non-surgical therapy, minimally invasive procedures or spinal surgery if less invasive treatments haven't helped ease your back pain.
Pediatric back and spine specialists at Sutter Medical Foundation provide specialty care to children with conditions including scoliosis, spina bifida and congenital abnormalities.
Located in Sacramento, the Sutter Medical Foundation Tarlov Cyst Program is one of only three in the country. This program helps alleviate potentially debilitating symptoms from these rare cysts.