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Ask an Expert
Toni J. Brayer, M.D.
Sutter West Bay Medical Group
I am a woman (59) and I have been hearing that one out of three people get shingles. I was wondering if I should get a vaccination. Am I insured for this, if not, how much does this shot cost?
The medical name for "shingles" is varicella zoster. It comes from the chickenpox virus that can lay dormant for years after exposure. As we get older it is more likely the virus will reappear and cause a painf... continue reading about I am a woman (59) and I have been hearing that one out of three people get shingles. I was wondering if I should get a vaccination. Am I insured for this, if not, how much does this shot cost?
Francine A. Yep, M.D.
Alta Bates Summit Medical Center - Alta Bates Campus
At what age should I have a pneumonia vaccination? Thank you!
The pneumonia vaccine helps protect you from S. pneumoniae, a bacterial germ that causes serious lung infections like pneumonia as well as blood infections and meningitis. It protects you from the most common t... continue reading about At what age should I have a pneumonia vaccination? Thank you!
Arfan Din, D.O.
Sutter Medical Group
What kind of health precautions should be taken before traveling to South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)?
Travel advice comes up often for us in primary care medicine. Health issues can arise in many places that are very different from what we face in the USA. My advice:See your primary care doctor as they are well... continue reading about What kind of health precautions should be taken before traveling to South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam)?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
Breast cancer runs in my family (mother). Should I get a mammogram earlier than 40?
This is a complicated question and involves both assessment of your actual risk, then consideration of how that should inform your screening process. Consult with your doctor to calculate your actual risk, base... continue reading about Breast cancer runs in my family (mother). Should I get a mammogram earlier than 40?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
I'm volunteering with a medical/dental mission to Cambodia. I'm concerned about the incidence of TB, and if I'm infected, how soon I could tell? I work closely with children and don't want to expose them to TB after my return. Should I be tested?
Most people infected with tuberculosis (TB) never get an active infection, which is when it is contagious from one person to the other. Those infected usually develop latent TB, which means that the bacteria li... continue reading about I'm volunteering with a medical/dental mission to Cambodia. I'm concerned about the incidence of TB, and if I'm infected, how soon I could tell? I work closely with children and don't want to expose them to TB after my return. Should I be tested?
Ask the Expert Team
Sutter Health
My mother, who is 91, had a mastectomy 30 years ago. Luckily, she is still in good health today. Is it okay for her to get a shingles shot now? It's hard to tell whether her immune system is weak or not.
Herpes zoster, better known as shingles, is a debilitating rash and has the potential to cause chronic pain (post-herpetic neuralgia). The vaccine has proven to decrease the risk of getting shingles and of havi... continue reading about My mother, who is 91, had a mastectomy 30 years ago. Luckily, she is still in good health today. Is it okay for her to get a shingles shot now? It's hard to tell whether her immune system is weak or not.
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