Mark Saleh, M.D.
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Professional Interests
Alzheimer's disease, Botox, Carpal tunnel, Cerebrovascular disease, Concussion, Dementia, Dizziness and vertigo, Epilepsy/seizure disorders, Essential tremor, Memory and aging disorders, Migraines and headaches, Movement disorders, Multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia gravis, Parkinson's disease
- Medical Affiliations
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
- Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group
Practice Locations
Board Certifications
Credentials & Notables
- Medical School:
Tufts University School of Medicine
- Residency:
Stanford University and Medical Center
- Internship:
St. Mary's Medical Center, Long Beach
- Primary Language(s)
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I was diagnosed with benign positional vertigo. Is vertigo, sometimes accompanied by nausea, a common precursor to migraines? My migraines don't usually have debilitating headaches; the vertigo is the worst symptom.
Vertigo and nausea can be due to a migraine and may occur without headache (called vestibular migraine), or the headache may be of mild intensity. When these symptoms are related to migraine, they should respon... continue reading about I was diagnosed with benign positional vertigo. Is vertigo, sometimes accompanied by nausea, a common precursor to migraines? My migraines don't usually have debilitating headaches; the vertigo is the worst symptom.
I'm a woman (45) who gets frequent migraines. I'm also about 40 pounds overweight. I read somewhere that being overweight might actually increase the number of migraines that I get. Is this true, and would losing weight help?
Research has shown a link between being overweight and migraines - headache frequency and severity are increased. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the link, including biological, behaviora... continue reading about I'm a woman (45) who gets frequent migraines. I'm also about 40 pounds overweight. I read somewhere that being overweight might actually increase the number of migraines that I get. Is this true, and would losing weight help?
Can Botox help reduce migraines?
Yes, Botox can help reduce migraines. The beneficial effect for migraine was first noted in patients who were treated with Botox for cosmetic purposes. This led to formal studies that showed improvement in pati... continue reading about Can Botox help reduce migraines?
I've been having visual migraines where I get jagged vision, usually in my left eye, and progressing from the lower right edge to encompass my whole left visual field. Could this be the result of dehydration?
Dehydration is one of several triggers that can exacerbate migraine headaches, including migraine variants like the one you are experiencing. Maintaining good hydration should help reduce the frequency of these... continue reading about I've been having visual migraines where I get jagged vision, usually in my left eye, and progressing from the lower right edge to encompass my whole left visual field. Could this be the result of dehydration?
I am a frequent migraine sufferer and I was told that acupuncture can actually help more than drugs to prevent attacks. Is this true?
This question is frequently asked, and the answer is complicated. The effect of acupuncture on migraine and other chronic pain syndromes has been studied extensively. The data from these studies, unfortunately,... continue reading about I am a frequent migraine sufferer and I was told that acupuncture can actually help more than drugs to prevent attacks. Is this true?
I have neuropathy in both feet and legs. They feel heavy and at night they sometimes burn. My feet feel like I have a second skin, which makes it difficult to wiggle my toes and arch my feet.
Pain from neuropathy can be quite problematic. It is often described as a burning or a "pins and needles" sensation. This pain is often more noticeable at bedtime and can therefore disrupt sleep. The first step... continue reading about I have neuropathy in both feet and legs. They feel heavy and at night they sometimes burn. My feet feel like I have a second skin, which makes it difficult to wiggle my toes and arch my feet.
What is an ocular migraine, and how do I know if I'm having one?
There are two different conditions that are sometimes referred to as ocular migraines. The first consists of a migraine aura that results in visual symptoms, but the headache may not be present. This is due to ... continue reading about What is an ocular migraine, and how do I know if I'm having one?
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